Female Fury

Female Fury tells the story of strength. She is a 36” x 36” canvas collage made with hundreds of tiny pieces of paper. She is a bad ass female with an attitude. She is actually my horse, Rachel, who is the most opinionated, powerful creature I know.

Rachel tells it like it is. She doesn’t care what anybody thinks about her. Rachel is never intimidated. She’s never shy. She’s a power house. My riding instructor said that “if she had to ride a horse into battle, she would want it to be Rachel”.

Female Fury is an example of taking images of women, some that society might look down upon, putting them together and creating one image of women’s power and strength.

It is said that we should always be wary of a horse who shows the white of her eye. Maybe all of us women need to show the whites of our eyes a little more often.