Miss Conception

Miss Conception has the best story of all of my art. I loved creating her and telling her story. It is all about our “misconceptions” of others, particularly women.

Miss Conception is a 48” x 36” collage canvas made of hundreds of tiny pieces of paper. I cut many images seen within Miss Conception’s hair from magazines (mostly Playboys) from the 60’s and 70’s. You can see lots of actors, politicians, singers and people of interest from that era. My model for this piece was my daughter, Zoe.

Miss Conception’s story is about how we as a society judge one another. When first looking at Miss Conception’s hair, one might see some controversial images and judge her negatively. It’s only when we take the time to look at each of her feathers do we see her many good deeds. Question is, how often do we take the time to actually look at each others’ feathers? How often do we take the time to see the good in someone when we’ve already judged the bad?

Just like Shakespeare’s quote that is tattooed on Miss Conception’s fingers “there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”.