
Hawkeye’s story is about a fierce and protective mother. She is made of hundreds of tiny pieces of paper, pasted on a 24” x 30” canvas.

Hawkeye will do whatever it takes to take care of and protect her babies.  She’s not unlike all mothers, including the images of women in her feathers who will do whatever it takes, even if society doesn’t approve.

Hawkeye’s story was inspired by a real-life experience I had many years ago as a young woman. When I first saw a female dancer, I judged her negatively. I didn’t understand motherhood, discrimination along with educational and employment opportunities. My friend shared her thoughts of my judgements and helped me to see that we, as women, often do what is necessary to protect and feed our children. Our kids are our priority, not what society thinks. This, of course, could be a whole other in-depth conversation about privilege, education and violence. Later in life, when I had a child of my own, I got it from my heart. I will do whatever it takes, no matter what, to protect and care for my daughter.

I hope Hawkeye inspires you to look inside yourself to try and understand the strength and courage it takes for all of us to be mothers.