The Girls

The Girls tells Terese Schlachter’s personal story. The 36 x36 collage is made of hundreds of small images of her life glued within the larger image of her two beloved dogs, Delilah and Lillian. It’s an incredible story and I’m just so very honored to have been asked to create it.

The collage was given to Terese as a surprise gift by her husband Jon for her 60th birthday. The very unique personalities of the two dogs, Lillian and Deliah shine through. Lillian (left) is the outgoing one with a lot to say, while Delilah (who sadly passed) was the more reserved and shy one. Within their images, a multitude of stories of Terese’s many accomplishments and experiences are told. There are excerpts from her books and blogs. For example, each blade of grass has the name of one of her blogs. Dogs Whispering in the background is also one of her blogs. Included are images of her wedding, awards, dogs, hikes, their boat Eleanor, her bicycling and hiking and many of her family and friends.

It was truly my pleasure to tell the wonderful stories of Teresa’s well-lived life. The Girls hangs in Terese and Jon’s living room in Shady Side.